Resources for wool and felting

Suppliers for wool
West Earl Woolen Mill
110 Cocalico Creek Rd
Ephrata, PA 17522
West Earl Woolen Mill has Peruvian wool batting and wool roving. This is white, not dyed wool. They don’t have a website so you will have to call. Be sure to pay attention to the time zone! I think this is also their home phone. Their prices are the best I’ve ever seen for wool batts.
Brown Sheep Company, Inc.
100662 County Road 16
Mitchell, Nebraska 69357
1.800.826.9136 - FAX 1.308.635.2143
Wool Roving: $9.80/lb or $7.20/lb for a whole bump (25 lbs or more)
Dyed Wool
The Recycled Lamb
2010 Youngfield St.
Lakewood, COLORADO 80215
(303) 234-9337
Earthsong Fibers
Both of these have dyed wool roving and batting starting at about $2.00/ounce.
Resources for felting needles: - this company was started by a Waldorf parent. - I always like to get a paper copy of this catalog. It's my favorite catalog to just look at. I am dreaming of getting a spinning wheel someday! Both of these companies offer the best prices I've found for felting needles. - I had almost forgotten this company. They have good prices on their felting needles! And lots of other fun stuff.
This page lists many, many different sources for Waldorf teachers.
Some other pages to look at: (the most incredible handmade brooms I’ve ever seen) (source for broom corn and broom making supplies) (Judit Gilbert’s wool pictures – very inspiring!) Hancock’s Fabrics in the Denver area often carries wool/rayon felt.
Also: has wool and wool/rayon felt has wool and wool/rayon felt – minimum $100.00 order has wool and wool/rayon felt pieces
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