About Me


Terri Reinhart spent 18 years teaching kindergarten at the Denver Waldorf School. She now enjoys spending time making brooms, felting, knitting, bookbinding, painting, and filling up the house with various craft supplies. She is probably the only woman who has ever asked her husband for 50 pounds of broomcorn for her birthday. She also enjoys writing because, as she says, “It helps me to process all the crazy wonderful things in life without screaming or hitting anything.”

Her husband, Chris, is very patient.


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« Life Coach - Quarterly Report, Part 2 | Main | Stepping Out »

Life Coach - Quarterly Report

The corner of the paper was sticking out from under a stack of books. I wouldn't have noticed it, except a burst of energy had prompted me to start my spring cleaning. I pulled it out and unfolded it, so I would know whether or not it could be thrown away. It read as follows:

Life Coach Report 

First Quarter, 2012

Coach: Marshmallow “Mo” Fairy             

 Client: Terri Reinhart

  First Quarter Assessment


Goal: 30 minutes of yoga/morning, 30 minutes of walking/day

Assessment: HAH! Client was up early exactly 4 days and those were not consecutive. Client did not do her yoga exercises as agreed upon. She did better with walking but only because her husband insisted she walk with him.


Goal: Declutter, get rid of unnecessary papers, clothes, and other odds and ends. Keep house clean.

Assessment: Client started out well and the amount of unnecessary papers has decreased significantly, the last of the papers have been piled up in the workroom, next to the rather dusty exercise bicycle for the last two months.

Challenge: Client still has the tendency to stop at thrift shops and yard sales.


Goal: Eliminate sugar for 30 days, then keep sugar intake at a minimum, using desserts as payment for Life Coach.

Assessment: Not even worth discussing. Until Client is ready to make a serious change for the better, her Coach will be garnishing her supply of chocolate as payment for services rendered. This is only fair, as the Client has often forgotten to pay her Coach.


Goal: At or below present weight

Assessment: Achieved. Probably coincidental rather than from diligent work. Must have something to do with involuntary muscle movements.


Goal: Keep Parkinson's medications at a minimum by living healthy lifestyle

Assessment: Client has kept medications to a minimum simply by refusing to increase them. Coach is unsure as to how this will affect Client's health goal.


Goal: Be consciously grateful for all that life brings, whether blessings or challenges.

Assessment: My Client must assess this one on her own. She appears happy, but she might be hitting the Bailey's.

Summary: Though my client has made some positive steps toward meeting her goals, she still has a long ways to go. 

Recommendations: Client should reassess her goals and rewrite them, if the original goals were unrealistic. Client should not forget to pay her Coach. Paying in advance will show the Life Coach that her Client is serious about her work. Giving her Coach a raise in pay would also be beneficial.  

I put the paper down. I had read enough.  

 “MO!” I called, “GET OVER HERE NOW!” 

I hadn't seen Mo, my Opinion Fairy and Life Coach, for some time. There had been a lot happening in our lives, and I figured Mo had gotten bored with me. I hadn't worried; until now. I called two or three times before there was a response. Then I heard a fluttering of wings. “Odd,” I thought, “Mo's usually so quiet. I've never heard her wings flutter.” Perhaps it wasn't the fairy after all, but a small bird?

No. It was Mo. She seemed to be having trouble staying airborn for very long. When she came into close range, the reason became obvious. I think she had been garnishing my chocolate a little too freely.

I couldn't help myself. I started to giggle. “I think I'll start calling you Marshmallow.”

Mo snorted. 

I can't wait to hear this story! 

(….to be continued)


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